A new version of the Tails is out, the CZ.NIC published the dns-collector source code and China will try to change its great chinese firewall for tourists. Have a nice weekend from Coolhousing!

Based on an internal security analysis, the Coolhousing data center has decided to take several precautions within the VNC console, which is available for all virtual servers. These precautions will increase not only the security but also the performance of virtual servers (VPS) and virtual dedicated servers (VDS).

The CESNET´s 25th anniversary. If you were not on the CSNOG, we have videos from this conference. And security news won´t be missed.

The Coolhousing Data Center has become the proud sponsor of a humanitarian project called the Most ProTibet since june 2018. The project helps to extend education and improve living conditions in the Tibet.

Between storm and hailstorm, we bring a new Cool IT News. So let's see what the week gave us...

We had not been lazy and we collected interesting IT news for you. The most interesting and the most cool news we summarize in a traditional overview for you.

Python comes with PEP, NetworkManager supports Thunderbolt, videos from CryptoFest are available. This is Cool IT News no. 76!

This week was full of anniversaries. The Towel Day or 20th anniversary of CZ.NIC. Also, let's have a look on other IT news.

Czech Turris Mox goes to the production. AquilaOS comes and brings nothing new. Secure news and some gossips won´t be miss. Have a nice Friday!

Due to higher security and ended support for Windows Server 2008 R2 by Microsoft company, this operation system was removed from available installation media of Coolhousing Data Center virtualization offer.

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