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Are you looking for a job in IT? We are often looking for you! And where else you should read about it first, than on our site in a new section of Job opportunities.
Problem with Java VNC console – Resolved
Oracle us 14th January 2014 released a new version of Java, specifically Java SE 7 Update 51. We have from this release a bit headache. Java Runtime Environment is necessary for our VNC client which is implemented in ControlPanel. Unfortunately, result of new Java update is that the VNC client in the ControlPanel is not compatible with new version of Java.
New on our site – Glossary of Terms
Have you ever considered that you are not sure what is this or that technical term? With our glossary of terms you will not fumble. Whether you are looking for, Kernel, RAID or Flow, we can everything explain to you.
Open NTP server used for an attack
Recently, more and more often solves problems with attacks by ntpd, mostly with FreeBSD operating systems. Problem here lies in the fact, that the service is operated, at the default settings. In default settings is server unsecured/unconfigured against all recommendations.
The sale of in-stock dedicated server kits comes to an end
The machines we had included in the sale of dedicated server kits remained in stock for several weeks only. Your demand was so high that we not only had not expected it and could not manage to update the list of kits available, but we even had to look for some additional cheap servers.
Virtual Servers: New options, still great prices
Virtualisation servers have been upgraded this autumn in Coolhousing. Therefore, we can not only expand our offer for you and enable improvement of parameters for a fee, but we can increase the VPS parameters for current customers as well!
VNC Console Applet Certificate
In order to improve the level of safety of our services and, at the same time, to make handling and operation of VNC console easier for our customers via Control Panel, we have acquired the "Code Signed Certificate". By this certificate we have signed as of today our Java Applet. Until now this applet has been signed only by "Self-Signed Certificate" from Coolhousing, which meant recognising and confirming the warning against less trustworthy sources at the start-up procedure of the Applet.
Brand new tariffs VPS Windows Standard and Business
Feedback from our customers is always a guide for us during innovation of services. In the case of VPS on the Windows platform, you have most often demanded a configuration that would have performance between both platforms provided so far. From the older VPS Windows Plus we have developed one cheaper and one brand new better performing variant, which you will newly find in our offering as VPS Windows Standard and VPS Windows Business.
Price adjustments for Virtual Servers and Microsoft licences
We would like to inform you that Microsoft has increased its licence fees for the Windows Server operating system, which, though regrettably, we must reflect in the prices of services provided with virtual servers and rental of Microsoft licences. However, since we emphasise that we are not taking this step with pleasure, we have also decided to improve the parameters of virtual machines.
Sell-off of dedicated servers
Probably everyone in the IT sector has already got used to the fact that when he purchases a new server, PC, telephone or any similar equipment nowadays, as of the following day it becomes an older model. The IT world is charging forward, and the progress cannot be stopped. But what someone may consider obsolete may be considered by someone else to be more than enough.