Vote in the contest about the best hosting
Our company is concerned in the contest TOP HOSTING 2009 about the best hosting of year. Our hosting products are competing in the category “The best VPS (virtual private seervers) offer”. You can support us by voting at You can win worthy prizes as mininotebook Asus EEE or voucher for buying books in the value 500 Kč.
Coolhousing August 2009 news
Holidays are in full swing, and the same goes for improving services provided by the Coolhousing housing server. We have brushed over familiar farm-housing programmes, innovated virtual servers and updated the Webhotel service.
The Coolhousing Server housing began the summer holiday period with several changes in hosting programs, the Bonus Order for June has been already found, and dedicated servers from HP are offered for holiday prices. Let's have a look at the news one after another.
Summer with a new laptop
Rarely can you get something for free. If you do, it is usually a trifle, which may be of no use for you. However, it is not the case with the Coolhousing server hosting. In addition to a top quality server housing you will receive an HP 550 laptop, which you will surely use. All you have to do is to order a Coolhousing server housing in June.
HP dedicated servers even more efficient
Hewlett-Packard dedicated servers by COOLHOUSING are a quality guarantee. This is true of not only the HW because we currently supply HP dedicated servers featuring such connectivity and extra services that make these servers simply irresistible.
Scrapping bonus, up to € 100,- for your used server!!!, the leading provider of server hosting services introduces a scrapping bonus for used servers. You will obtain up to € 100,- as a consideration for your used server for purchase of a new dedicated server from the currently offered range of products. It is sufficient to submit a certificate of disposal of the used server or to bring the used, however complete server directly in the data center of COOLHOUSING.NET
April changes in COOLHOUSING.NET server hosting
April continues in the spirit of changes in coolhousing server hosting. Improvement of quality of the services passes across the complete spectrum from server housing through dedicated servers up to the dedicated foreign lines.
Central UPS 70NET 40/33
A new central UPS providing higher protection of client devices against power failure was installed in the premises of COOLHOUSING.NET data center. It is a modern UPS with excellent input parameters without the necessity of complementing additional filters, multi-pulse rectifiers, etc. UPS 70NET series works on an on-line basis with dual voltage conversion. Controlling of the power supply and parallel cooperation is based on DSP (Digital Signal Processor). This revolutionary principle ensures very fast response to any load requirements and requirements of the UPS itself. It optimizes battery charging and ensures uniform load of parallel-connected UPSs.
Coolhousing IPv6 ready
Since 1st January 2009 the COOLHOUSING.NET serverhosting network fully natively supports the IPv6 protocol. Along with the standard number of IPv4 addresses the /64 range of addresses is also provided for all hosting models. Current clients can request their IPv6 range of addresses at a later date. Those unsure what the IPv6 offers will find information in the following introduction.
Economical or Ecological Server?
What About Having Them Both! We have spent some time here on the blog of Server Housing COOLHOUSING.NET discussing the issue of energy and energy consumption. Server Housing COOLHOUSING.NET recently decided to take the first step and give some benefits to servers with lower space and energy requirements.