Computer infiltration means unauthorised entering programme code into computer system in order to perform undesired (often concealed) activities. Currently, there are about 80,000 types of infiltration (according to AEC) with 500 to 800 new types appearing every month. The problem is that classification is not unified and types are difficult to differentiate from mutations of the type. Based on behaviour and programme code construction we can differentiate the bellow types of infiltration.

AWStats is a freeware tool generating advanced web, stream, ftp and email statistics into a graphic environment. This server log analyser works as CGI from the command line and displays all available information contained in logs on several graphic websites.

Medieval had its own quantitative problem of abstracts and metaphysics: the famous scholastic argue over „How many angels could dance on the head of a pin?“. Should we know the answer, combined with the information of total number of angels, we could easily calculate the number of pins to accommodate all angels. Modified into today´s world, the argument might go like: „How many servers would you need to accommodate all the information (or correctly data) of this world?“

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