In the last article, we guided you how to set up the virtual private network, better known as the VPN with SSTP on the Linux distribution Debian. Now, we will pay attention to the VPN settings on the operating system Windows

VPN, Virtual Private Network, is currently used by a large number of employees working from home for secured connection to a remote corporate network. VPN SSTP, which is one of the many VPN types, we use and offer very often in our data center and we will show you how to set it up on the operating system Windows and the Linux distribution Ubuntu 20.04

Our priorities are not only network, system and clients technology security, but also health of our employees and yours, our customers. Since the beginning of this week, we have extended precautions, which should reduce a community transmissions of COVID-19 on the lowest level

If you use Sudo within administration of your linux or unix systems, be careful and upgrade it as soon as possible

If you use the remote management IPMI 2.0 for server configuration, be careful. There is a vulnerability, which can compromise security of your servers

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The hapiness of our customers is the most important for our data center. We would like to show you entire evaluation of the project cloud development, based on our managed server after more than one year of cooperation with Say IT company.

Black Friday of dedicated servers with a discount up to 40% until this Friday. Do not miss this special sale and be ready for new projects in 2021

Do you need to colocate your server at our data center, however Prague is so far from you, or you do not want to travel to avoid any social contacts? We have new benefit for you – the transport of your technologies to our data center for free!

Since September 2020, the conditions for providing of the connectivity have been slightly, but significantly updated. We have made a price reduction of all colocation connections and the speed connection bar for client servers has been raised a lot higher. Now you can connect your server to the 10 Gbps line only from € 36 per month.

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