Rackcolocation of full or half racks at our data center

Professional rack colocation

Premium and safe space for your servers
with € 0,23 per kWh

No limit Rackhosting

  • Unlimited use of space in the rack
  • High availability and transparent consumption
  • Possibility of two independent power supplies

Top colocation quality

Rackhousing is our premium service in the renting a precisely reserved space in a lockable sectional cabinet, or part of it.

Rack housing benefits

We have been providing the Rack colocation more than 20 years, we know what you need most and what you will appreciate.

High-quality and unlimited connectivity

The service includes two uplinks with 1 Gbps connectivity to NIX and transit. 10 Gbps speed is also available.

Transparent billing of electricity

With our unique power system, we bill based on the actual consumption of your technology.

Premium quality rack cabinets by Conteg

We install Conteg rack cabinets in the size of 19" and with depths of 900, 1000 and 1200 mm.

Rack cabinet and its advantages

Cooling of server rooms to 22°C

Optimised cold and warm aisle system ensures excellent and stable temperature and humidity throughout the data center.

Redundancy with two power supplies

Racks are connected to UPS cascade and diesel generators, a second independent supply can also be set up.

Complexity and flexibility of service

Service includes Anti-DDoS protection, /29 IPv4 addresses, port monitoring, but everything can be customized to your requirements including AS and BGP routes propagation.

Choose your Rack Hosting

Choose a rack hosting model that you can install not only with classic rack servers, but also with tower servers. Everything depends only on you.

Lockable rack

from € 216 monthly

One-third rack server housing in our data center

Unlimited use of 12U rack space

Real measurement of consumption

Unlimited connectivity 2x 1 Gbps

Max. power consumption - 0,5 kW

Price € 0,23 per kWh

16A power supply + 1 separate electric meter


Lockable rack 20U

from € 259,20 monthly

Half lockable rack with unlimited connectivity

Unlimited use of 20U rack space

Real measurement of consumption

Unlimited connectivity 2x 1 Gbps

Max. power consumption - 1 kW

Price € 0,23 per kWh

16A power supply + 1 separate electric meter


Lockable rack 42U

from € 378 monthly

Full lockable rack only for you and your technology

Unlimited use of 42U rack

Real measurement of consumption

Unlimited connectivity 2x 1 Gbps

Max. power consumption - 2 kW

Price € 0,23 per kWh

2x 16A power supplies (A/B) + 2 separate electric meters


Do you need more racks or specific hosting?

Write us what you are looking for. We will be happy to create a housing solution according to your requirements

Send requirements
Top quality guarantee
High quality warranty
Money back

We are certain in the quality of our services. Try our rackhosting for 14 days and if you are not satisfied, we will refund your money.

ISO 9001 and 27001 certificated
Iso compliant

All our internal procedures and the security of your data and servers located in the Czech Republic are in accordance with ISO 9001 and 27001.

Additional services for rack rental

Upgrade your rack hosting to the next level. Thanks to additional services, you not only get more comfort and speed, but also security.

10 Gbps connectivity

Connect your technology and servers with 10 Gbps optical fiber and zero latency.


Firewall and VPN

Customized security solution for your technology and server according to your needs.

I am interested

Load balancing and BGP

We will be happy to configure your network connection using LACP or establish BGP.

Send requirements

Unmetered connection

Non-shared and high-speed line configured only for your purposes and technologies.


AntiDDoS protection PROFI

First-class protection and behavioral analysis of flows against attacks and overflows.

Another benefits

Storage hardware box

Have essential spare parts and components immediately at hand in critical situations.

Find more

Facility and security rackhousing

Our data center facility meet all current operational requirements, including parking and a relaxation room.

Safety first

Two-step authentification of every visitor, operator present in DC 24/7, camera and laser fire suppression system, security agency watching our backs.

About us
Optical connection

We keep eye on the quality connection

Our network infrastructure is operated in "Spine & Leaf" topology and all network routes are in redundancy in order to achieve "High Availability" mode.

Our network
Let's discuss the possibilities of our cooperation

We are happy to help you find the best solution for you

What happens after order
We will contact you as soon as possible

We will contact you within a few hours. Together we will specify the details of the service, send the network configuration and arrange for your arrival or courier. We will sort out the contract and warranty together electronically.

All information you can find in the Controlpanel

Everything about your service, including your power consumption, can be found in our Control Panel administration. In case you need to connect a remote management to the server or restart the server, we will do everything immediately and anytime for free.

Most often FAQ

No, we start charging your service when you move to us and connect your technology.

In our data center, we do not charge for power consumption based on the (manufacturer´s) specifications or based on the start-up measurement, but according to the actual and real consumption of your technology. Your rack cabinet will contain a separate meter, which we use to determine the actual power consumption, which you can see in our CP. We will invoice you this measured value or according to mutual agreement, we set up a monthly tariff according to consumption that is periodically revised. More information you can find in this special article.

Yes, this service includes not only 1 Gbps connectivity and /29 IPv4 addresses, but also AntiDDoS protection, connection to UPS and Diesel generator and last but not least remote KVM over IP management, reboots and so-called Remote Hands, i.e. 15 minutes of technician every month for free. If you wish, we can also bring a second independent power supply and up to three UPS circuits to your rack cabinet.

If you have for example 3 servers to colocate. Check our section colocation, this is the service made exactly for you.

Any of our clients can visit our data center at any time, i.e. 24/7. There is always an operator physically present in the data center to show you your place and technology. In the case of moving your technologies to our data center at night, it is always necessary to make arrangements in advance in order that everything is ready for you.

Each rackhosting service is very unique and always depends on the network setup, the number of servers, etc. We always try to do our best to welcome and connect you as quickly as possible.

Do you have question or look for another solution?

Call us at +420 777 310 000 or send us a message, we will reply you immediately