Cool IT News 16

Cool IT News 16

Seagate is going to close up one of the largest factory. Debian released an update of eighth series, and launched the first version of nineth installer. FSF updated own priorities.

Seagate has to reduce own production

Today, we can see, that classical HDD is still more popular than SSD, however new technology will be more important and in many regions SSD already successfully pushed down HDD. Sure sign of this trend is a new step of Samsung, which has decided to close one of its largest factories with 2,200 employees (last year it was 8000 employees) and reduce the production of conventional HDD by the 30%. So, we wish the Chinese children get a new job in the IT industry, very soon. More information

Debian 8.7 is here!

The developers from Debian finally released the seventh update of eighth series. That brings particular fixes of many bugs throughout the system. At the same time, we can see the first version of the installer for Debian 9 Stretch, which will be available during this year. This should bring merged usr/directory, for which many users criticized Debian and poke voodoo dolls of developers. Time will show up, whether merged /usr succeeds and puts into living practice. More information

FSF updated priorities

Richard Stallman, who has negative nickname “caveman”, has decided to show to the world that the Free Software Foundation still has some meaning and retains its ideological level. Last week, FSF therefore updated its list of priorities in which the developers should primarily concentrate. The rank is dominated by the free operating system for smart phones, tools for voice communication or single communications assistant. More information

Important safety errors

Jabbim has a problem – great data escalation

ICQ is very dangerous, they said. You better install the Jabber they claimed … It could be truth, but not quite in the Czech´s Jabbim. Database content, including about 300 users calls during several months, has appeared on Russian servers few days ago. More information

zlib fixes, fixes, fixes, again…

The recently released version 1.2.9 of zlib library contained a serious bug in data compression. This led to a release modified version 1.2.10, however corrective version, as it turned out, actually has not corrected anything. Well, even the best of us sometimes do mistake. Therefore, it is recommended to update to the latest version 1.2.11. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

Acceleration of Colocation. 1Gbps for the price of 100 Mbps. Every second is important, be faster than others! More information at:

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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