Cool IT News 24

Cool IT News 24

Terminix is renamed on Tilix due to pests. Do, what you like, make money in the summer and Google will pay you! Patent AC-3 expired!

Terminix is renamed on Tilix due to pests

The popular terminal emulator Terminix has changed name with the new version 1.5.4. Newly you can find it under Tilix. The reason for the name change is little bit unusual – a registered trade mark is had by Terminix company, which is engaged in pest´s control. Apparently, there was fear that instead of rats and rats someone could kill Linux users. More information

GSoC – Earn some money with Google

The summer is slowly coming and another year of Google Summer of Code with it. Event is very famous, so only briefly: selected students will get an opportunity to work on open source project in the summer, while Google pays them for that work. Google is hiring, right now, so take part of it! It could be slightly better job than part-time job in McDonald´s, huh? More information

Patent AC-3 expired, expiration of MP3 is coming soon

The patent protection of Digital Dolby AC-3 has expired few days ago. AC-3 is lossy digital audio compression, which was developed by Dolby Laboratories in 1991. The expiration of patent protection means that the AC-3 finally gets into Linux distributions, such as Fedora 26. At the end of this year, precisely 30.12., Also expires MP3 patent protection.

Important safety errors

Cisco switches in danger

Cisco switches contain a serious vulnerability, which has not been fixed, yet. There is the possibility to control switches via Telnet. The error was found thanks to the project Vault 7, describing methods used by the CIA. So far there is only one option how to protect against it. Disable Telnet and use only SSH. More information

Another vulnerability in kernel

In Linux it was found another nice hole, that developers have forgotten. This vulnerability allows to 4.8 kernel local privilege escalation and get root privileges. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

Acceleration of Colocation. 1Gbps for the price of 100 Mbps. Every second is important, be faster than others! More information at

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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