Cool IT News 26

Cool IT News 26

We are here again with Friday! Stay tuned and read on! Well, we have another Cool IT News for you!

RHEL, go to hell!

Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 and all systems built on it said goodbye to new updates. Yes, support for RHEL 5 has just ended. Therefore, if this system runs on any of your forgotten servers or any data storage, do not forget to update! More information

Tor will run on Rust

Popular anonymous Web browser Tor, which safely hides your greatest deviations or drug addiction before the world, slowly passes from C to Rust. It follows the Firefox browser on which it is based, after all. To increase speed and safety, new components will be written directly in Rust and older will be gradually overwritten. More information

CodePlex will be shut down by Microsoft

You’ll be maybe out of perplexed, but Microsoft is shutting down CodePlex! Ex-popular hosting of open-source projects become less beneficial than guys from Microsoft expect. Most of the projects rather chosen other solutions, particularly based on Git – especially GitHub. After all, even Microsoft hosts on it many of its own projects itself. CodePlex will close own gates until October this year and falls into eternal oblivion. More information

Important safety errors

Another Malware for Android

Boys from Google have discovered quite a serious problem. Malware has been settled years ago in the code of verification tool for Google App Store, which is used to purchase apps for Android.This malware was probably created by Israeli counterintelligence for monitoring of selected individuals. Do not forget to update – malware has been removed by Google. More information

UEFI vulnerabilities aim on Gigabyte Mini

The company Cylance employs really experienced guys. They made really great piece – they found two vulnerabilities in UEFI, that allow to remote attacker, or a fan of Putin exploited to attack computers with series of Gigabyte BRIX mini. And just like in real life, there is also the best combination of both possibilities – the attacker can insert a backdoor into the firmware of certain machine. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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