Cool IT News 29

Cool IT News 29

Do you miss our Cool IT News? Yes!? Okay. After another week, we have the latest IT news for you!

Uber bought data from

Service is designed for anyone who wants to opt out of a variety of annoying newsletters, e.g. offers for penis extension, or buy cheap Viagra. However it turns out, that service providers are not so fair as they claim. They sold their clients’ data to Uber! More information

Foster will return to Amazon

It has been a half-year since one of biggest man of Amazon, David Foster, who stood behind the creation of a Kindle reader, has found his new job in Google. Google drafted him to begin of the Pixel project. However, it seems that the collaboration wasn´t so successful for both parties, so Foster has decided to return to his previous location in Amazon. Not everyone can afford to “enter in same river twice”, but Foster is definitely that man. More information

Bitcoin busts out

During the last few weeks, the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has doubled its value. Actual value exceeds $ 1,500. Interestingly, it was just $ 400 a year ago. The massive growth of BTC is caused by the growing interest in the IT sphere, where Bitcoin has become a modern standard (not only) for all hipsters or “hackers” who naively feel anonymous with their use. More information

Important safety errors

Another vulnerability in WordPress

In the popular WordPress another security hole has been found. Applies to all versions up to 4.7.4 and it allows to invoke a password change by the attacker’s prompt. More information

Leaky Intel

Several Intel products contain a vulnerability that allows a remote or local attacker to escalate the rights on the SKU. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

We are looking for Senior Network Administrator/Senior Linux Administrator to our technical team. Be part of great company! More information at:

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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