Cool IT News 3

Cool IT News 3

In the Cool IT NEWS 3 we look especially at the single-board microcomputers. However we do not miss important security and bug fixes of this week.

ESPRESSOBin is coming

Under the ESPRESSOBin you can not find a new coffee machine, but Marvell´s single-board microcomputer, which could be used as a simple router or NAS. Interesting is its price, which in the basic configuration is only $ 39 (approximately CZK 1,000). This variant is based on the dual-core 64-bit processor ARMv8 Cortex-A53 Armada 3720, which complements SATA port and a mini-PCIe slot. The basic version is available with 512MB memory. More information

PIXEL in Raspberry Pi

In the single-board microcomputer we will continue! Raspberry Pi Foundation, which develop a machine with size of a credit card, announced the implementation of new programming environment. PIXEL (Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight) should offer more convenient and enjoyable environment for users. Newly, splashscreen logo will be displayed instead of introduction of individual modules during a booting. Furthermore, user interface was also changed. Now it is more modern and uses a new set of icons. New font renderer Infinality was used, as well. PIXEL is now available in a new version – Raspbian. More information

D-Wave presents available quantum computer

The Canadian company D-Wave, as the first in the world, announced that it has developed a commercially available quantum computer, which uses 2048 quibits! After a series of prototypes with 16 quibits, advanced with 28 to 512 quibits in 2013, this development is an extraordinary achievement. Next year, this model will be available in offer of D-Wave for general sale and so it is the first truly quantum computer for normal commercial sphere. This is an important milestone, but don´t be so happy, because commercial availability does not mean low price, neither practical use of quantum computers in a wider scale. However, with further development it could be change very soon. More information

Important safety errors

OpenSSL update… again!

We already informed you about important security vulnerability in OpenSSL in versions 1.1.0 and 1.0.2. As it turned out, these new releases did not solve problem completely. Therefore this is another recommendation – further update new versions which are available. Hopefully, this update will be effective and final solution. More information

Several problems in BIND

DNS BIND software contains several important errors in its ninth row including one critical, which can be remotely use for launch of DoS. It is therefore recommended to update fixed versions, which were released last week. They even fix less serious errors reported in July. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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