Cool IT News 71

Cool IT News 71

We have prepared another overview of the greatest IT news. Enjoy it and be COOL!

CZ.NIC released new Knot Resolver

Guys from CZ.NIC are not some rookies, thats everybody knows. But they are great and we didn´t know about them. Last week they released a new version of their Knot Resolver (2.3.0), which by the way contains a fix CVE-2018-1110. There is also a cache pre-load support that allows to obtain a response accelerating according to RFC 7706 specification without risk. Great job! More information

Will be Linux supported by Chrome OS?

Many people didn´t believe in February that Chrome OS will be able to run Linux distributions using LXC some time. But, apparently, Google is really serious about making GNU/Linux support available. New application called Terminal has appeared in the developer’s version of the system. This suggests we can look forward to wider support not only for the shell but also for other Linux “features”. More information

Microsoft sold the last phone with Windows Phone

It’s off-topic, but it’s Friday. The Windows Phone was on … well … wasting the time, no one would question it. Impressive, fabulous and amazing is the fact that smart heads finally realize it at Microsoft. The last phone with Windows Phone has been sold and the new ones will not be made! Hurrah! Glory! More information

Security news

Hack Nintendo Switch by yourself

It’s not so long since a serious bug has been discovered in chipset of the Nintendo Switch’s mobile gaming console. But it hasn´t been corrected yet, and it seems that discoverer´s patience has its edge. So they released two exploits that can easily use this uncorrected vulnerability. More information

AV Linux fixes Meltdown

Linux Distribution AV Linux 2018.4.12, a poor Debian clone for multimedia use, comes with a Meltdown bug patch aimed at Intel processors. However, the patch can be used only for 64-bit architecture. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

Mining Colocation

Professional Mining Colocation

The high performance, space, electricity and cooling in particular. These are basic, but not all variables that have to be taken into mind, when you want to mine any cryptocurrency. If you already invested a lot of money in the mining rig, then the mining machine care, services and an environment, where the machine is located, should be on the professional level. Only this way, all operating and maintenance costs can be optimized to bring the desired, invested fruit. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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