Cool IT News 79

Cool IT News 79

The CESNET´s 25th anniversary. If you were not on the CSNOG, we have videos from this conference. And security news won´t be missed.

CESNET is celebrating

Maybe you were in the nursery school, but the date June 15, 1993 is very important for the Czech Internet. That day the project of academic network CESNET was created and changed the environment of the Czech Internet. It is one of the biggest milestones of the Czech Internet. Until 1996, the CESNET network was run by the CTU University, however after that a separate association was created and has fully taken control. More information

Videos from the conference CSNOG are out now

If you passed the CSNOG this year for any reason, you needn´t to cry. All videos from lectures including individual presentations are finally freely available! It is worth to keep in mind, that among the speakers were representatives of CTU, Facebook, CESNET, CZ.NIC, NIX.CZ or RIPE NCC. It was really great conference. More information

RIP, Debian Jessie

Life is life and nothing lasts forever. The offical support for Debian 8 with codenamed Jessie, was shutted down, exactly as was planned. After more than three years since this version was released, it is the time to update. For a while, the main updates will be available from the LTS branch, but we definitely recommend to install Debian 9 Stretch on production servers that came out a year ago. More information

Security news

SigSpoof – watch out on signiture

A critical vulnerability called SigSpoof allows to sign a message or file with a public key of the victim or only with the knowledge of the ID of the given key in some cases. The vulnerability was fixed in GnuPG 2.2.8, Enigmail 2.0.7, GPGTools 2018.3 and python-gnupg 0.4.3. More information

Intel again…

The Intel is maybe cursed last couple of months, and one vulnerability removes another. The latest addition is the Lazy FP State Restore vulnerability, which caused the access to FP registers and for an unauthorized process. The AMD processors are not affected by this vulnerability. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

New offer of dedicated servers

New dedicated server offer

Coolhousing Data Center comes with a brand new offer of HPE and SuperMicro dedicated servers. If you look for mailserver, storage or performed server for virtualization, dedicated servers from Coolhousing will entirely satisfied your demand. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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