Cool IT News 96

Cool IT News 96

Winter is coming. Let´s warm up with Cool IT News and IT technology.

GitHub has 100 milion repositories

The GitHub was purchased by Microsoft this summer and as we know, it caused many reactions as a conflict in the Middle East. The result was the exodus of many developers and a migrations of big projects to other platforms. Still, GitHub has managed a milestone in the past week – it was announced unbelievable 100 million of repositories. More information

Facebook is finally connected to NIX.CZ

Is Facebook little bit faster? Yes, it is. There is a simply reason. After many and many negotiations, now it is done. The facebook was connected into the czech neutral peer node NIX.CZ in Prague and NIX.SK in Bratislava. More information

5G modems by Intel very soon

A giant in the area of processors, which has to persue its competitors. This is the Intel, unfortunately. It seems, however, that Intel does not want to give up this competition, and comes up with 5G modems. The launch of the XMM 8160 5G modem will be released half a year sooner than the original plans – around mid-2019. It should offer speed up to 6 Gbit/s with support for older technologies as well. More information

Security news

Three vulnerabilities in the Nginx

Nginx is more and more popular, and will be better than Apache. However, it is not good to underestimate safety. And exactly three serious vulnerabilities were revealed in the Nginx code. Two of them allow to limit the server traffic by load increasing, the third one can even cause a server crash. More information

Watch out on StatCounter

Do you use StatCounter statistics for your web projects? If you do, watch out. A code was discovered in the main tracking script and it is aimed the BitTorrent transactions from the This is another way, how attackers can earn some money on very popular hyp around the cryptocurrencies. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

dedicated server sale

Sale of dedicated server

Coolhousing data center comes with a great sale of Supermicro E3-1220v3 with 4 CPU, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, 2x 1TB HDD and 1Gbps connectivity. Do not miss this opportunity with price value offer! More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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