Cool IT News – Report from CES 2019

Cool IT News - Report from CES 2019

Last week, as you know from our twitter account, we visited the CES 2019 (Consumer Electronics Show), the world's largest consumer electronics and computing fair. What attractions we saw on the CES?

CES and history

Before news, let’s say something about this fair itself. The first fair took place in Las Vegas in 1967 and nearly a quarter of a million people visit it every year. The exhibitors introduce and show the latest products and technologies, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, plasma televisions, tablets, smartbooks, satellite radios and gaming consoles, all these were introduced as world premiere in the past CES.

But what was happened on the 52nd CES?

A great emphasis was put on the voice assistant support, especially from Google and Amazon. Apple with Siri were somewhere behind, the product, which today does not support Alex from Amazon, seems to have no chance to success.

Within the mobile technology area, the biggest attraction was flexible phablet FlexiPad by Royole, which you can fold in half and keep using it.

Another big release was 8K TV by LG, which can be rolled into the base and occupied less space in the room. Why, after all, look at the switched off television, right?

Let´s move to IT!

The AMD introduced a new Radeon VII card at the CES. This card returns AMD reliably on sun and shows the direction of further graphics card development. This is the first 7nm GPU designed for the second-generation Vega architecture.

Neither Intel did not leave the party. The Intel used CES to present its finished solutions, particularly for autonomous vehicles. However, it also introduced new processor models. Among them are the Core i9-9900KF, Core i7-9700KF, Core i5-9600KF and Core i5-9350KF. The KF abbreviation in the title by the way means that these are unlocked models for overclocking. They should be on market during the first quarter of this year.

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

dedicated server sale

Sale of dedicated server

Coolhousing data center comes with a great sale of Supermicro E3-1220v3 with 4 CPU, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, 2x 1TB HDD and 1Gbps connectivity. Do not miss this opportunity with price value offer! More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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