Coolhousing is responding to the demand for virtualized solutions

Coolhousing is responding to the demand for virtualized solutions

In order to constantly improve services for customers, Coolhousing replaced virtual servers running on Xen platform with the currently available most up-to-date solution KVM. Therefore, our clients will get the most modern and most powerful virtual platform for the same price.

Coolhousing is a flexible partner ready to react and responds to the development of technology. The introduction of the visualization solution KVM is an inevitable response to the unstoppable development happening in the virtualization and cloud technology fields. KVM offered by Coolhousing replaces the currently used Xen technology.

VPS administration

KVM system integrates advantages of paravisualization (e.g. Xen, MS Hyper – V) with full virtualization (for example, VMWare ESX, VirtualBox). KVM is a full virtualization system which paravisualizes only hardware drivers and therefore allows common installation of operation systems designed for x86 platform, but at the same time, it does not degrade the performance of the system by emulating hardware access.

VPS backup

“In the past we were able to offer only Linux on Xen platform. But today, using the KVM platform, we virtually support all modern versions of Linux and Microsoft Windows”, explains Karel Umlauf, the Coolhousing representative. In order to install Microsoft Windows, the virtual server emulated diskette drive contains drivers ready for the hard disk controller and network card. “Support for other operating system such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris and others will be available soon”, said Umlauf.

VPS KVM web console

Under the scope of KVM services, Coolhousing offers remote administration of virtual servers through a web interface supporting screen display and control via keyboard and mouse. To connect you may use any web browser with installed Adobe Flash plug-in. Alternatively you may access the server via VNC. Of course remote switch on / off or restart is possible. Backup is done automatically. Automatic backups of virtual servers are stored for three days. The service also includes unlimited storage of one selected user backup.

VPS KVM stats

The power output and performance of technology with full virtualization and with paravirtualized drivers is fully comparable with a physical server. All virtual servers offered by Coolhousing are operated in high performance cluster, which guarantees sufficient system resources and excellent system response. Connectivity is provided in own Coolhousing housing centre, where each point of the visualization cluster offers uplink of 2×1 Gb/s. Due to better accessibility, the outer connectivity is divided into NIX and transit. Virtualization cluster currently uses 2Gb/s for NIX and 300 Mb/s for transit. Unlimited data transfers are offered as standard feature.

KVM VPS Connectivity

All current customers using virtual servers will be transferred over to the new KVM VPS system for free and without any data losses.

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