DDoS attacks are stronger and smarter

Hacker behind table

Keep step with hackers and cybercrime has always been and continues to be very challenging. A DDoS attack that could have been considered strong a year ago might now be seen as piece of cake. Advanced DDoS defense is essential.

In March of last year, we informed you about the launch of Anti-DDoS notifications, which allow you to immediately see in our administration ControlPanel the IP address which was under attack, strength, type or types of attack, and its duration. Along with this new feature, we mentioned that our Anti-DDoS protection successfully filtered the strongest DDoS attack with 44 Gbps strength. And the state a year later? Nearly a threefold increase: 126 Gbps!

Anti-DDoS protection with artificial intelligence

According to our Anti-DDoS protection statistics, there is a significant decrease of simple DoS attacks from one IP address, while there is an increase in distributed and, more importantly, more sophisticated attacks. Hackers can now cause damage not only from multiple types of devices but also by varying the intensity and types of attacks. These smart moves are very complicated for basic and intermediate level of Anti-DDoS protections, because they struggle to analyze the source of the attack, detect small flooding packets, and effectively mitigate the harmful traffic.

Our data center was a pioneer in the Czech Republic in protecting against cyber threats with our Anti-DDoS protection initially provided by Radware DefensePro. However, due to more advanced and less detectable attacks, we have opted for a more sophisticated and automated defense solution based on artificial intelligence. Network traffic is now continuously analyzed and learned, with any minor deviations being immediately evaluated. Thanks to this solution, we can offer truly effective protection that is tailored to the needs of our customers’ operations and continually improves on its own.

Internet of things. Can your e-toothbrush also attack?

Internet of things (IoT)

Ordering Anti-DDoS attack costs only a few euros on the darknet and can be done virtually by any teenager. It’s no surprise that gaming hosting, such as Minecraft or Fortnite, often suffers from frequent overloads. But why is the cost of such an attack so low, while professional protection is more expensive? Unfortunately, this is due to the unprofessional approach of some manufactures and the insufficient security knowledge of users. Hackers seek out any unprotected devices in the internet, which they secretly integrate into botnets and then coordinate attacks according to their discretion or order.

Frequent and popular attack tools are VPS in data centers or common devices with internet access, which belong among the popular segment of the Internet of Things. The more such inadequately secured devices are publicly available, the easier and cheaper it is to use for the attack. A paradoxical and viral example that illustrates this issue was the made up botnet attack from February of this year, as reported by Indepedent. The attacker with three million toothbrushes was probably able to take down the website of a well-known company from Switzerland and caused damages in the millions of euros. Few days later, it turned out, that it was a clear fiction, however loudly highlighted the vulnerability of IoT devices around the world.

Whether you are an administrator, a business owner, or user, please ensure the security of your servers and devices with internet access. We are happy to protect your technologies in our data center, but only through responsible practices can each of us help prevent these attacks from escalating in the future.

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