Higher security of virtual servers

Virtual server - higher security and efficiency

Based on an internal security analysis, the Coolhousing data center has decided to take several precautions within the VNC console, which is available for all virtual servers. These precautions will increase not only the security but also the performance of virtual servers (VPS) and virtual dedicated servers (VDS).

The security of client servers is always the most important feature in the Coolhousing and according to the internal security analysis, we have decided to take the following precautions:

  • 1) Remote access from VNC will be disabled for VPS/VDS by default
  • 2) Remote access from VNC can be activated in Controlpanel for 24 hours, then access will be deactivated
  • 3) The HTML5 console in the Control Panel is available independently and without VNC settings

By taking these precautions, virtualization computing resources will be used more efficiently, potential network vulnerabilities will be eliminated and, above all, a stable and fast connection via the VNC console will be ensured.

Process of these security steps has already been implemented since the last week and we haven´t expected any service outages.

Thank you for your understading.

Coolhousing technical team

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