ISPConfig 3 – super hosting panel

ISPConfig 3 - hosting panel

ISPConfig hosting panel has been in our offer for a long time. The panel has won many backers, but also opponents. The ISPConfig 2 version was relatively contradictory due to its output requirements, but after ISPConfig 3 appeared, things started looking up. If you need a reliable and powerful solution for your websites, e-mails, databases, ftp and dns, this panel is the right choice for you.

Why ISPConfig 3?

  • Simple and intuitive web interface
  • Low requirements for the server performance
  • Functionality comparable to high-cost hosting panels

Multiserver Management

Would you like to control several servers from a single web panel environment? Would you like to distribute the individual services among the servers so that you will have the e-mails, databases and websites separated? ISPC 3 will allow that. And you even do not need to have all servers (real or virtual) placed in the same location!

Access rights hierarchy

Authorization in the ISPC3 can be divided into 3 levels – administrator, reseller and user. Thanks to the said division, the panel can be used also as the solution for your clients.

Unlimited hosting solution

You may administer unlimited number of websites, e-mails and databases under the ISPC 3 panel. The only actual limitation is the performance of your server. However because you can add another server at any time, it is really an unlimited hosting solution.

No more spam

An advanced antivirus and antispam filter is a part of the solution. If you find the antispam filter too strict, you may set it up comfortably from the panel environment. In the basic configuration, several recommended settings are available, but it is no problem to adjust the rules or even create unlimited number of new rules.

Server monitoring

The trouble-free server operation is based on having good knowledge of the server condition, either in regards to utilization of system capacities, disk space, transferred data statistics or functionality of the individual services. Such elements are also a part of the ISPC3 panel solution.

But that is not all. ISPC can handle many and many more tasks. The complete list of functions is available here.

And what is the best?

The ISPC3 panel is free! No licence purchasing, no monthly fees. You just download the installation pack and install it in your linux server. Instructions how to do that are available in internet at several websites. And when Linux is not your cup of tea? Do not despair, our administrators are ready to install the ISPConfig 3 panel in any dedicated or virtual server we provide at one-off fee including the necessary software.

Would you like to test the ISPC3?

Visit the ISPConfig 3 demoversion, which we have prepared for you at one of the virtual servers. You can test all the functions and verify if it is really a full-bodied solution.

ISPConfig 3 DEMO

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