News from the world of IT (1. 4. – 8. 4. 2016)

News from the world of IT (1. 4. - 8. 4. 2016)

Specification Energy Star 3.0 starts slowly to animate. Racist became from the groundbreaking artificial intelligence during one day. Apple starts to seriously approach to the Czech Republic.

Specification Energy Star 3.0 for servers is coming

The US Agency for Environmental Protection promised that starts with work on creating of the new version of specification Energy Star. This specification will bring several innovations in the third version, related mainly with the area of serverhousing. The manufacturers of servers také traditionally the specification Energy Star and other hardware with higher energy demands. The target is pushing of manufacturer to more efficient and more considerate way of working. More information

The artificial intelligence took the racist views of users

Microsoft launched into the world chatbot Tay in terms of experiment. It uses similar principles of the AI as a voice assistant Cortana from the new version of Windows. Chatbot learned itself from the message of users. After that it became a racist very quickly. It started to published messages condemning Jews, praising Adolf Hitler, damning feminists, etc. in just 24 hours. Microsoft responded by deleting of messages and shutdown of the chatbot. More information

New iOS 9.3 brings many new bugs

New version of mobile operating system iOS, which has the serial number 9.3, brought, among many patches, also many new problems and errors. Users complain of problems with the camera and especially non-functional opening of links in emails and sometimes in the web browser. It seems, that Apple has problems with the new updates lately. More information

Apple began selling the iPhone SE

Apple began offering a new model iPhone in the Czech Republic, the iPhone SE and it´s just a week after the introduction with the delivery time 4 – 6 days. It´s a historic significant step, because we had to wait for the new models always a few months since opening of sales in the USA. We will see if this trend will be maintained also in the autumn model of the iPhone 7. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

We will continue with our serial next week. You can look forward to very interesting topic about Windows…

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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