News from the world of IT (10. 10. – 17. 10. 2014)

News from the world of IT (10. 10. - 17. 10. 2014)

New Windows 10 include keylogger allegedly. AMD changed its CEO. Adobe and Microsoft plan projects together. These informations are the main news of the last week.

Windows 10 include keylogger

Microsoft released the Technical Preview of new system Windows 10 recently and free. At the same time it warned users that they don´t install it on their main computer. As it turned out, the reasons aren´t only the technical imperfections of systém, but fact too, that it contains keylogger, which records and transmits all user´s actions. More information

AMD has a new president

The company AMD, one of the key manufacturers of processors and graphics cards, is undergoing a major restructuring. In the place of the current CEO and the president of company, Rory Read, Dr. Lisa Su starts. Rory Read will act as her adviser in rest of the year. Lisa Su promoted from the position of business manager. There was from 2012. More information

Adobe and Microsoft form the future

Managers of Microsoft and Adobe presented several collective projects within the frame of the Adobe Max conference. This conference was in Los Angeles. One of the aims is fine-tune exist aplications such as Photoshop or Illustrator into a form corresponding to the modern trends, including touch and using of extended gestures. We will soon be able to try on it (for example on the tablet MS Surface). More information

Samsung started with manufacture 3D V-NAND Flash

Samsung announced in the last week that it started with production of 3bit memory 3D V-NAND Flash. We can expect it in the newest SSD discs. This type of memory should be significantly faster and should be motivate users to earlier changeover from classical discs to SSD. It should lead to better price. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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