News from the world of IT (10. 7. – 17. 7. 2015)

News from the world of IT (10. 7. - 17. 7. 2015)

HackingTeam was attacked by hackers. Microsoft pushes the limits of reality. IBM has created a chip 7nm. Apple will return home sharing of music. These information are the main news of the last week from IT.

HackingTeam was hacked

Italian developer company HackingTeam became the biggest upheaval in the past week. This company stands behind a few super-spy applications and tools, which delivers to leading secret services and special governmental departments worldwide. Its database was “hacked” and also the attackers got to the tools. They can very easily exploit these information. More information

IBM produced the first 7nm chip

Miniaturization continues. IBM company in collaboration with GlobalFoundries, Samsung and SUNY University introduced the first functional chip, which is produced 7nm technology. Technology SiGe was used, when there is a combination of silicon and germanium. According to estimates, we could meet with processors with these chips sometimes in 2018. The transition to the 10nm chips are planned a year or two earlier. More information

Microsoft showed benefits in education of HoloLens

Microsoft works recently on the system of augmented reality very intensively. This system will be called HoloLens. At the moment it seems like an achievement for any sci-fi movie, but it is slowly becoming very real and we will wait probably very soon its deployment. It could help for example in areas of education. More information

Apple returns home sharing of music to iOS

Popular home sharing of music in the new series of mobile operating system iOS should be returned to users. It waited to removing with the arrival iOS 8.4, which brought a new service Apple Music. This function moved out from iOS temporarily and should return with the autumn arrival of iOS 9. This information is according to unofficial statement of one of the leading representatives of Apples, Eddy Cue. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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