
News from the world of IT (13. 11. – 20. 11. 2015)

News from the world of IT (13. 11. - 20. 11. 2015)

How to tackle the error messages from Mac App Store? Firefox finally comes to iPhone and iPad! And how do you use the PC when you have a tablet?

Application from Mac App Store report error – can easily fix

The newly download application from App Store on Mac report the errors in recent days. According to them, the download applications are demaged and are unusably. But the whole problem is easily soluable – we can just restart our Mac and the application install again. The reason of whole problem is expiration of a security certificate. More information

Application from Mac App Store report error – can easily fix

Firefox comes on iOS devices

The long awaited iOS version of popular web browser Firefox finally saw the light of the world. This application has been available to beta-testers since September, but now is available for everyone. Users of iPhone or iPad can finally use Firefox for iOS very comfortable. If you are happy with the default Browser Safari, there is no reason for change. New Firefox won´t offer anything new. More information

Why use a PC when you have a tablet?

Tim Cook describes the current development of popularity of the PC almost thus. How we informed you earlier, the analysts of many companies, especially Intel, agree on the upcoming boom of traditional PCs. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has a different view. According to him, the tablet is fully sufficient for the present and PC doesn’t offer any benefit. What do you thing about it? More information

Don´t let drive a car alone

Autonomous system of driving cars already isn´t new. Tesla company recently announced update, which integrated function of autonomous driving into its models of electromobiles. But it look like that the autonomous device isn´t as functional as we would wish and therefore isn´t a good idea to rely on this function fully. Probably we will wait a fully autonomous system in the future – and probably it won´t be a long time. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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