News from the world of IT (13. 5. – 20. 5. 2016)

News from the world of IT (13. 5. - 20. 5. 2016)

WhatsApp comes to the desktop. DOOM returns and restarts the whole game series after some years. Google Translate can translate at iOS devices newly and also offline. These information are the main news of the last week.

WhatsApp comes to Windows and OS X

Popular messenger WhatsApp comes on the desktop newly. He introduced its desktop applications for MS Windows and OS X in the past week. You have to have your phone near, so that you can implement communication – WhatsApp won´t work without it. The new desktop client only reflects and synchronizes communication from a mobile device. More information

Google Translate can translate in iOS offline

New update of popular application Google Translate for iOS offers also offline translation. So if you go abroad and don´t have a data tariff, you can still translate whatever you need. Support for the transfer of the captured text (also characters of Asian languages) to another supported language is commonplace. More information

DOOM is coming

DOOM is coming on Friday, 13th May on the market. Yes, the long-awaited game, a legend among action games is finally here. The game is available for 60 $ and 15 EUR for individual DLC packs. The minimum configuration to start is Windows 7, Core i5-2400, 8 GB RAM, 55 GB of disk space and Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 with 2 GB. Well, it´s a little more challenging than the original DOOM, which fit into 4 diskettes.:-) More information

Lian will offer glazed dual-cupboards

The company Lian Li, which got a public attention recently, prepares for launch new cupboards PC-09 on the market. It should be devided into two parts, where the main components are arranged in a „glazed“ and less interesting components opaque part. Lian cupboards are popular for home users and also for deployment e.g. for barebone servers in datacenters. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

We will continue with our serial next week. You can look forward to very interesting topic about DNS…

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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