News from the world of IT (15. 4. – 22. 4. 2016)

News from the world of IT (15. 4. - 22. 4. 2016)

Intel changes production strategy of processors and won´t reduce every two years. Data centers may rescued DNA soon. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp outperform SMS threefold.

Intel changes production strategy of processors

Intel introduced the architecture of Core and with it came also tick-tock strategy od development of processors in 2006. Once was used a smaller manufacturing process, further was improved an architecture. Gradually, it came from 65nm processors up to the current 14nm. Now Intel hints at the physical limits and speeds badly to reduce chips, so tick-tock strategy was further sustainable. Newly it passes on a three phase development strategy. More information

Nvidia plans GTX 1080 Ti

We mentioned the last time about professional cards with chip Pascal. However, it seems that Nvidia has prepared more. Many information about upcoming news are here this week, but so far the unofficial character. The card GTX 1080 Ti should dominate between them. This card will be the successor of the current GTX 980 Ti from Maxwell´s series and has to be better in all respects. Cards should be available in a few months. More information

The future of data centers is in DNA

Footprint, high energy consumption, need for cooling of waste heat. Every datacenter has these problems. The research team of Microsoft and University of Washington, however, demonstrated the possibility of storing information into DNA. According to their conclusions, the current datacenters – size of football pitches – could reduce with using of this technology on size of a sugar cube, at least in terms of information capacity. When we wait in practice? It´s still up in the air… More information

Facebook and WhatsApp overtook SMS

Mark Zuckerberg boasted interesting statistics at the conference F8. According to this statistics, over two the greatest messengers – Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp – currently send abour three times more messages than over SMS in the same period. Already 900 million users use Messenger monthly, but WhatsApp use more than billion users. More information

News from Coolhousing

Information from Coolhousing

On Wednesday 13rd of April 2016 we had problems with connectivity, but everything was solved quickly. Thank you for your benevolence.

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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