News from the world of IT (18. 3. – 25. 3. 2016)

News from the world of IT (18. 3. - 25. 3. 2016)

Western Digital introduced a new interesting drive for Raspberry Pi. Apple runs from Amazon to Google. Volvo will start from mobile.

314 GB HDD for Raspberry Pi

Equipment for mini-computer Raspberry Pi is more and more in offer. 314 gigabytes-hard drive from Western Digital is now also available. The new drive, called a PiDrive, not only has a reasonable capacity, but very low consumption and price, which is now 31.42 USD in terms of special action. The drive is connected via USB. More information

Apple moves cloud to Google

It´s known for five years, though unofficially, that Apple uses for most of its cloud services technical support of Amazon and Amazon´s services AWS. But interesting news appears – Apple has signed a contract with Google and a significant part of its services will migrate from Amazon to him. Though Apple and Google are known rivals, cooperation between them isn´t news. A typical example can be maps, which Apple until recently outsourced from Google. More information

Apple Keynote is approaching – Does Cook attack on the FBI?

Already on March 21st evening will be the next Apple Keynote, a presentation of new products. Excepting excepted introduction of iPhone 5 SE and maybe a small iPad is speculated about whether Tim Cook will use its space to attack the FBI. The FBI disputes with Apple, in which forces managers of Apple to placing of backdoors into their operating system because of measures against terrorism. More information

We will be able to start Volvo by phone

Today isn´t a miracle that we can remotely unfreeze the car through the phone. The integracion of mobile services should reach for the full saturation in the next year. For example, Volvo announced that it will be possible to remotely get started their new cars. But this is only a fraction of preparing innovations that we can enjoy. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

We will continue with our serial next week. You can look forward to very interesting topic newly about VNC…

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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