News from the world of IT (19. 2. – 26. 2. 2016)

News from the world of IT (19. 2. - 26. 2. 2016)

Nvidia will introduce super powerful graphics chips. The revolution in data storage begins slowly. FBI asks for access to mobile phones and tablets.

Nvidia will introduce Pascal with 12 TFLOPS

The April conference GPU Technology Conference 2016 should bring many interesting news about graphics cards. However, information about new series GPU Pascal from Nvidia, which should offer incredible performance up to 12 TFLOPS to get into the media just now! More information

Coins from silica holds 360 TB of data. Permanently!

Revolution in data storage promises a totally revolutionary discovery, with which came the research department Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton. On the silicious glass about the size of the coin could save about 360 TB of data. This data won´t be subject to degradation and will be readable without problems even after billions of years. More information

Once popular Opera 12 (finally) ends

After long years of agony and persisting suffering, finally ending the once popular browser Opera. Version 12 received the latest update and other developement and support aren´t planned. Although the reports found that the project is on sale, it will be forgotten probably and ends up the other era of the Internet forever. More information

FBI asks Apple for loophole

Tim Cook, Apple´s current chief, issued an open letter in which informs the users of apple products about the current pressure, which FBI develops on the company. FBI wants to get the possibility of full access to the user devices and data through so-called backdoor, thus deliberately inserted errors into the operating system. But Apple emphatically rejected it. The question is, how many companies quietly agreed… More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

We will continue with our serial next week. You can look forward to very interesting topic…

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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