News from the world of IT (23. 5. – 30. 5.)

News from the world of IT (23. 5. - 30. 5.)

News in the field of virtual reality, the refusal of the Chinese authorities Windows 8 and the new model 4K monitor for players and connoisseurs. These are the main news of the past week.

Virtual reality phenomenon of time

Few recent technologies have gained so much favor as Oculus Rift, a new virtual reality headset. However, there are already competing devices. One such ANTVR KIT,, which tries her luck on Kickstarter, just as it had once tried Oculus Rift. But it is not the only one – its lightweight solution for VR introduced the Polish company De JET Works, which offers a system for only 50 EUR. More information

China banned the Windows 8 PC to government

The recent completion of official support for Windows XP provoked a large response in China. It is there because Windows XP was one of the most widespread yet. The Chinese government does not want to risk that for a few years, Microsoft ended support for Windows 8 also new, and therefore the transition to this system decided to drop. This opens the opportunity for other platforms, such as GNU / Linux. More information

DO- IT to build a factory on a 3D printer

Czech company DO- IT announced that near Prague intends to build a factory production line with its modern 3D printers DeeGreen and DeeRed. This opens up a new era of 3D printing and the Czech Republic may significantly entered the new field of information technology. More information

Acer has unveiled a new 4K LCD monitor

S 4K monitors with the introduction of the Thunderbolt interface, Apple boasted as the first, and soon after several others. Acer now comes with a completely new model of this category of professional monitors, which is especially useful for gamers and graphic designers. After all, the resolution of 3840×2160 pixels deserves proper respect what you say? More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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