News from the world of IT ( 25.4. – 2.5.)

News from the world of IT ( 25.4. - 2.5.)

Last week brought a new generation of Thunderbolt interface, another interesting Facebook acquisition or promise new apple products. Welcome to another summary of news from the world of IT.

The new generation Thunderbolt coming

Intel’s Thunderbolt interface has become popular mainly on the Apple platform.
 Apple is first in their laptops and eventually other products ranked this high-speed interface. Now, it seems that soon we can look forward to a new generation which offers twice the bit rate, ie a whopping 40Gbps! More information

Facebook bought Moves

Recently, Facebook is investing often absurd amounts already recorded to almost everyone. Now in its portfolio also included the application Moves for motion recognition, respectively. Its type (running, walking, cycling , etc.). Facebook the payment for the purchase did not disclose this time. More information

Vic Gundotra leaves Google

Vic Gundotra, Google’s vice president, who was mainly responsible for the Google+ social network, is leaving. At Google he spent seven years, during which the entire network Google+ practically from the beginning designed and built. Previously, he was actively involved in the development of services for Windows Lite competition Microsoft. Where will continue to take is still unclear. More information

Tim Cook promised new products

Apple announced this week its quarterly results of operations. As it turned out, iPhone sales are still extremely high. However, selling Tablet little stagnate. Tim Cook, CEO, also promised new products. Some should see the light of day later this year. Whether it will be a smart watch, new iTV or something else but did not elaborate. More information

The new Twitter is coming

Twitter microblogging network regularly experimenting with new features and design changes. But now comes the whole fundamental change that is gradually being felt in some segments of users. Newly would be “important” tweets highlighted, it changes the layout of the controls, etc. And you know that Twitter can also follow us? More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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