News from the world of IT (27. 5. – 3. 6. 2016)

News from the world of IT (27. 5. - 3. 6. 2016)

Western Digital bought SanDisk company. Civilization VI will come before the end of this year. Nvidia announced a very nice financial results.

Western Digital took over SanDisk

Leader in the production of hard drives, Western Digital, bought SanDisk company. This renowned manufacturer of flash disks, USB and SSD disks worked up to the leading position among the world leaders. The value of the acquisition is 19 billion US dollars. More information

Civilization VI will be in October

Popular game Civilization will have the sixth sequel! The development studio Firaxis announced, that will come to the market at the end of October. But we have to wait for the specific form of news, which will be several. At least we will have a nice pre-Christmas surprise. More information

Nvidia announced financial results

Nvidia reported its financial results for the first quarter of this year. The results show that annual increase is beautiful 17 %. It´s 1.305 billion dollars in revenues. Last year it totaled „only“ 1.15 billion dollars. We can expected that further development will be in a similar style. Strengthening will probably bring also a new series of GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 cards in the premium segment. More information

GTX 1080 under control

And when we mentioned about GTX 1080, we shouldn´t forget the other news. GeForce GTX 1080 card was subjected to detailed benchmark. It turns out thet tha card is based on chip GP104 with 7200 million transistors. Tacts from 1607 to 1734 MHz and physical tact 1251 MHz in memory GDDR5X, that can handle the transmission rate 10 Gb/s, were confirmed. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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