News from the world of IT (5. 4. – 11. 4. 2014)

News from the world of IT (5. 4. - 11. 4. 2014)

Microsoft finally ended support for Windows XP. Linksys is back in the limelight with a new powerful wifi router. Intel surpassed Google on its own turf. These are just some of the news of the past week.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP

After many years and several postponements ended this week Microsoft support its still the most common and most popular operating system MS Windows XP. To end the old ones should be already in 2008. Microsoft also introduced its latest system update, Windows 8.1 Update. More information

Linksys router introduced WRT1900AC

Linksys after several changes in ownership and changes in management tries to settle down again. Now introduced a powerful new wifi router WRT1900AC, which has the full support 802.11ac and a rich equipment, which also include eSATA interface. Selling price is 280 USD, about 5,600 CZK. More information

Dropbox introduced Carousel

The popular service Dropbox, one of the biggest giants in the field of cloud solutions and sharing non-warez content, introduced several key innovations that should greatly enhance its capabilities. One of them is a custom solution for easy sharing of photos, Dropbox Carousel. More information

Intel modified Android supports 64bits

One of the most widely used mobile operating system, Android, in its current version KitKat does not support 64-bit applications. However, Intel due to its modifications proved this support to include Android and presented this modified version of the IDF. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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