News from the world of IT (6. 3. – 13. 3. 2015)

News from the world of IT (6. 3. - 13. 3. 2015)

The past week was characterized by the game engines and interesting announcements about upcoming news in the field of hardware and software.

Unreal Engine 4 is now free

The company Epic Games in last week released for the public its game engine Unreal Engine 4. We can use this engine completely free for commercial purposes, but if you earn more than 3 000 USD per quarter, you are bound to licenses 5 % of the earning to Epic Games company. More information

Unity 5 is coming

We stay for a little longer in the world of games and game engines. The company Unity Technologies launched a new game engine Unity 5. Component of supported functions is also HDR or lighting in real time. Version Personal Edition is available for free (like Unreal Engine 4). Professional Edition is available for 75 USD per month or 1500 USD one time. More information

MS Office 2016 comes to Mac

Only little things are missing to users of Mac to total satisfaction. One of them is the modernized office pack MS Office. The version that is currently available, is already four years old and greatly lags behind its brother from Windows. Sparkles for better times. Microsoft has finally released a public beta version. More information

Nvidia announced GeForce GTX Titan X

Jen-Hsun Huang announced to CEO company Nvidia at game conference GDC (Game Developers Conference) that will soon bring to market the most advanced GPU history, totally new GTX Titan X. For exactlspecifications we have to wait. So far we know that architecture Maxwell was used, the core contains 8 billion transistors and card will have a storage with capacity of 12 GB. More information

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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