Routing engine failure and investigation results

Failure of routing engine and results of investigation

The Coolhousing data center was suffered by the routing engine failure and restart on routers December 4, 2018. The incident was occurred at 5:07 p.m. CET and after restart and careful control of technical team, datacenter connectivity was restored and fully online during 13 minutes.

The technical team completely investigated this incident. The cause of routing engines failure was bug within operating system Junos, which occurred not only on Coolhousing routers at the same time, according available information. Both datacenter routers were connected at a given moment on the same network. Through this network, the BGP protocol was updated in such a way, that the bug in the router systems caused the fall of the network infrastructure.

Based on the above evidences and findings, the technical team is working on the functional precautions to prevent similar situation in the future as well as scheduling a service window within which, operating system Junos will be updated on both routers.

We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Coolhousing team

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