Sale of dedicated servers

Sale of dedicated server

Fast and performance. These are dedicated servers with connectivity 1 Gbps under market price by Coolhousing data center. Only until stocks will be sold out! Order the great server by today!

Dedicated NAS Synology DS216se with 12 TB, SuperMicro E5-1620V2 with 32 GB RAM memory, or Barebone G 2030 from 810 CZK, this is profitable sale of dedicated servers by Coolhousing data center!

A refurbished server offer is valid until stocks will be sold out. The term refurbished server means that technology was deployed in the past and this is already a burned-out hardware. Servers are stocked now, and all server components were very carefully checked out before deployment. The refurbished servers have same warranties as the regular offer server: free HW service by the end of the next business day and a possibility to buy this server after 24 months of service for 2 EUR.

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