Functional and unique network traffic analysis

Scrubbing centrum - network protection

Broad coverage of network attacks and threats in real time

Within our data center network, we operate a decentralized multi-platform scrubbing center that provides real-time analysis of network traffic not only on a detection platform but also on a filtering platform.

We leave nothing to chance within our network and combine several types of protection.

Protection of our network

Network traffic resolution

With fast and accurate real-time analysis of network traffic, we distinguish:

  • legitimate (normal) traffic
  • harmful (attacking) traffic
  • unusual traffic (stemming from normal traffic)
Network Flow Operation
Protection in Cloud

Combined Protection in the Cloud

Our protection against cyber threats is operated in the Cloud, thanks to which we are able to repel attacks of hundreds of Gbps. The operated protection combines solutions from Arbor Networks and BGP Flowspec with static and dynamic filters. Both solutions are each fully independent from the other, but they work concurrently, overlap and complement each other.

Are you interested in our professional protection?

Our Anti-DDoS protection keeps your network traffic safe