Security Violation Incident Statement

Security Violation Incident Statement

We have to inform you regretfully that the Controlpanel customer application has been attacked on 25 June 2016. In this incident, the attacker gained access tothe user account of the specific customer as the victim of the hacker attack. From the client section, the attacker gained subsequent access to virtual server console of the attacked customer.

By gaining access to the client section, the attacker has not gained access to data located on hosting/service provided by Coolhousing to the said customer.

Now, we are in contact with the affected customer in order to provide the maximum synergy in investigation. We have found, documented and secured the weak spot in the client section. Presently, we are in the process of performing security tests on the client application, which will not be available until testing is completed.

You will be informed on the progress.

Jiří Dvořák, DiS., Senior Sales Executive

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