Students from Slovakia visited data center

Data center school education

How does the data center work? What technologies is good to use and what to look after within network security? These are just a few of the topics we discussed with future network administrators from the Secondary Vocational School Jozefa Murgasa in Banska Bystrica.

Every year we receive several requests for data center tour or excursion from schools and universities. When the conditions are suitable, especially due to time, plans and operation, we are happy to show our facilities to future generations of IT specialists. We introduced our the most modern server room S3 to future “networkers” from Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.

Data center as a system

A data center is not just network and servers. It is a complex and comprehensive system of several different elements, that can not function without the other. Therefore, we gradually introduced the students the network infrastructure, the cooling system of hot and cold aisles, including the new green technology Freecooling, and the automatic functioning of the backup infrastructure in times of downtime.

In the next part, we introduced our services in general, what each service means and what they can be useful for in the future and how they work in practice. Towards the end of the excursion, we discussed new challenges with artificial intelligence, other resources for education, the situation on the European job market and added some practical advice about CV.

Administrator´s bad habit

During the excursion, colleagues highlighted an important element, that many administrators forget even today. It is redundancy. Without it, it is impossible to run either quality IT infrastructure with high availability and efficiency, or entire data center. And to illustrate this point, several practical examples from operation had been given. This is because you can not rely on just one element, but need to think about the possible issues when planning: “What happens when”.

This is the method we follow in our data center and, together with regular reviews and audits, we leave nothing to chance. Two independent power supplies, three UPS circuits, two diesel generators, cooling infrastructure in a minimum N+1 configuration, two independent connectivity providers and all network elements in dual-stack. That’s redundancy that you too can rely on 99.98%.

See you on our data center tour

Coolhousing team

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