Virtual Servers: New options, still great prices

Virtual PC: New options, still great prices

Virtualisation servers have been upgraded this autumn in Coolhousing. Therefore, we can not only expand our offer for you and enable improvement of parameters for a fee, but we can increase the VPS parameters for current customers as well!

We always strive to provide services on platforms that correspond both to your technology and to business requirements, and therefore we perform regular upgrades of our technology. This autumn another upgrade was performed of virtualisation nodes, which enables us to increase the performance of existing VPS. The migration from the previous generation VPS is free of charge for you.

The current VPS offering will improve parameters and also enable a new configuration of the virtual server on the Windows platform, which has been set up in response to numerous requests from customers, so that in terms of performance and price it is between the two options so far.

The Basic configuration

In the basic configurations VPS Start and VPS Windows, the available capacity of operating memory has been increased to 2 GB. As a standard, we equip VPS Start with a single 1500 MHz processor fibre, and VPS Windows has two fibres of the same speed. The disk space in both cases is 30 GB. VPS Start usually costs CZK 290 per month. VPS Windows including the licence for the Windows Server operating system costs up to CZK 310 per month. In both cases, the first payment period is for the discounted price of CZK 203 or 217, and the first payment period can last as long as the first 12 months!

The medium configurations

The medium configurations of VPS Standard and VPS Windows Standard differ mainly in the number of available processor fibres. The Linux virtual server offers two, and three fibres are available on the Windows platform, always 1800 MHz. The operating memory in both cases is 4 GB, and the capacity of the hard disk in each case is 50 GB. In this configuration, the price of the licence for the operating system is not as important of an item as with VPS Windows Start, and therefore we can offer VPS Standard and Windows Standard for the same price, CZK 590 per month. Furthermore, in the first payment period will achieve up to CZK 413 per month.

The top configuration

The top tariffs VPS Business and VPS Windows Business no longer differ in the numbers of available digital fibres, but only their frequency. Both variants offer three processor fibres, VPS Business with a frequency of 2100 MHz and VPS Windows Business with 300 MHz more. The capacity of RAM, the hard disk and the price are again the same: Your server will have 8 GB of operating memory available and 100 GB of disk space. We have kept the price of this high performing configuration below CZK 1,000 per month. The regular offer is for CZK 990, and in the first payment period you will even pay only CZK 693 per month.

Option of increasing the capacity

All VPS configurations now come with the option of increasing the capacity of RAM and the hard disk for a small fee. With VPS Start, for CZK 50 per month you can buy 20 GB of space on the disk, and you can improve VPS Standard by 1 GB of RAM and 30 GB of space on the disk for CZK 150 per month and VPS Business by a flat 2 GB of RAM and 50 GB of space on the disk for CZK 200 per month. VPS Windows will grow by 1 GB of RAM and 20 GB of space on the disk if you pay an extra CZK 100, VPS Windows Standard by 30 GB of disk space for CZK 50, and finally VPS Windows Business by 50 GB of disk space for CZK 75 per month.

The migration

And the best is at the end: The migration to the current VPS tariffs is free of charge for customers using the current VPS 2013 offer. However, since improvement of VPS parameters requires a restart of VPS, we will perform the restart upon request. If you would like to obtain any of the current tariffs, simply send an e-mail to the address

Our offer of virtual servers. When placing your order, don’t forget to take advantage of the discounted prices for the first billing period.

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