Cool IT News 36

Cool IT News 36

D language gained an attention of GCC. KARL will help BSD. ProtonMail will change the future of VPN.

GCC has approved the inclusion of D

Do you program in C or C ++? Or maybe C #? Tsss, then someone could say you are pretty trapped. Who is free, cool and wants to be extra in, program only in D! Probably the most popular compiler, GCC, will release support for the frontend and runtime library “D” in version 8. More information

OpenBSD with KARL kernel

Do you use OpenBSD and you are thinking, how safe you are? Cha! Smart (or rather paranoid) brains have come up on how to make OpenBSD even safer. The new technology, KARL (kernel address randomized link), comes with a random kernel linking. The addresses will be different upon new system startup. Paranoia is typical for OpenBSD. More information

ProtonMail will launch VPN

During three years of existence, ProtonMail has become the synonymous for the safest email. Excellent encryption, well-located servers, and zero traffic logging make it the perfect place for whistleblowers and other strange existence share classified documents as top-secret, government secrets, weapons of mass destruction manuals, or pokemon collecting tips. ProtonMail implements megacool VPN, ProtonVPN, with which wants to repeat the same success in this field. More information

Important security vulnerabilities

Stack Clash crushes the penguin

A new type of vulnerability, so called Stack Clash, allows to locally overwrite some of the memory, run any code, or get root permissions. This is on GNU/ Linux, but also on BSD or Solaris. More information

KMail – signature without signature

A minor security vulnerability has been found in KMail, which sends mail without encryption and without signature if you sign and encrypt this mail and mark as “send later”. The update is available. More information

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Author: Jirka Dvořák

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