Coolhousing - our news

The Coolhousing Server housing began the summer holiday period with several changes in hosting programs, the Bonus Order for June has been already found, and dedicated servers from HP are offered for holiday prices. Let's have a look at the news one after another.

New server hosting programs

Old server hosting programs were replaced with only one, universal program Single Server Case to let you compile a program that will perfectly fit your needs. We decided to make such a change as it seems to us that it is fair to pay only for what your server really uses (the space, the input, the conectivity) . Do you have a miniITX server on the Intel Atom platform and are happy with the minimum connectivity? You can place the server for only € 38,- /month net of VAT.

The Program Single Server Case follows from the Single Server Rack Program that had been already verified. While the rack program was designed only for rack servers and the occupied space was simply measured by the number of the occupied U in the rack (1U = 44.5 mm = 1.75 in), no such simple division is possible in the Single Server Case Program.

In the long run, we adopted the known division into the miniITX, microTower, midiTower and Tower. In addition, the division was made more accurate by means of volume case since the nominal division is not very accurate. Your microTower may fall in the miniITX category, or your midiTower may fall in the microTower category – it does happen. The other way round, your volume case may fall in a higher category – but this is not very likely.

Example: Use of the Single Server Case Program

CHIEFTEC BS-02B-B-SL (mini tower, 355 x 190 x 355), input up to 200W, 100Mbit NIX, 24Mbit transit = € 75,- /month
THERMALTAKE VC2000BNS (middle tower, 430 x 200 x 502), input up to 200W, 1Gbit NIX, 32Mbit transit = € 90,- /month
CHENBRO SR21469 (slim desktop, 395 x 95 x 325), input up to 100W, 100Mbit NIX, 16Mbit transit = € 38,- /month (the configuration corresponds to housing for dedicated server Coolbarebone #1 !!!)
CHIEFTEC CX-03B-B-A (big tower, 540 x 205 x 524), input up to 300W, 1Gbit NIX, 32Mbit transit = € 127,- /month
GIGABYTE GZ-M3 (mini tower, 180 x 368 x 398), input up to 100W, 100Mbit NIX, 24Mbit transit = € 58,- /month

Higher connectivity for Rack Programs

To improve the quality of our services, beginning on 1st July 2009, we increased the connectivity to 1Gbit NIX for all rack programs. The change did not affect the price for the services at all – from now on, you can purchase the service Cool Rack for € 200 /month but it will be 1Gbit The change applies to new customers and to the present customers as well!

Bonus Order for June

In our previous article, we told you that we would search for a Bonus Order for June. Any customer who ordered any service in June had a chance to win the HP 550 Notebook. The only condition was to pay your order made in June within due date – and then you could hope that your order was the greatest.

The greatest order was discovered under the ticket #31908: the customer ordered the Cool Rack service with 5Mbit line abroad and paid for 12 months in advance. Not only was his price reduced by 10% – in addition, he won a new notebook.

HP 550 server

Unfortunately, the happy customer is not from the Czech Republic so it is impossible to publish the picture taken while the notebook is handed over. Anyway, we hope that the winner will send us his/her picture with the new notebook.

Special Offer: HP dedicated servers

It is convenient to begin the summer holiday with holiday prices of dedicated servers. Now you can have your dedicated HP Compaq or HP Proliant for unrivalled price and with 1Gbit connectivity.

The number of the servers is limited so do not hesitate too long! First come, first served…

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